
Strength of the Allied forces (1/11/18)


Western Front
  France1 Britain US Belgium2 Portugal Italy Total
Infantry divisions 102 60 31 12 2 2 209
Infantry battalions 1,081 560 372 110 24 26 2,173
Cavalry divisions 6 3 - 1 - - 10
Cavalry squadrons 144 81 - 24 - - 249
Trench mortars 1,626 2,570 746 293 - 94 5,329
Heavy artillery pieces 5,578 2,197 406 333 - 20 8,534
Automatic rifles/Light Machine guns 50,700 20,000 18,465 1,004 - 168 90,337
Machine guns 30,664 4,632 6,239 2,970 - 276 44,781
Tanks 1,272 611 91 - - - 1,974
Aircraft 3,609 1,678 2,032 134 - 12 7,465
Front-line strength 1,540,912 1,157,080 1,109,200 133,764 25,573 40,913 4,007,442
Ration strength 2,659,084 1,721,890 1,821,499 167,126 35,253 49,740 6,454,592
Horses 630,440 388,000 151,250 38,110 - 6,945 1,214,745


Italian Front
  Italy France US Britain Total
Infantry divisions 52 2 ¼ 3 57 ¼
Infantry battalions 653 19 3 27 702
Cavalry divisions 4 - - - 4
Cavalry squadrons 96 - - - -
Trench mortars 3,997 24 - 115 4,136
Heavy artillery pieces 3,677 80 - 105 3,862
Automatic rifles/Light Machine guns 4,670 980 192 540 6,382
Machine guns 13,450 236 16 156 13,858
Tanks - - - - -
Aircraft 569 25 - 72 666
Front-line strength 1,414,754 29,196 3,688 52,771 1,500,409
Ration strength 1,912,649 42,689 5,015 73,471 2,033,824
Horses 279,488 14,734 200 18,000 312,422


  France Britain US Belgium Portugal Italy Total
Infantry divisions 104 63 31 ¼ 12 2 54 266 ¼
Infantry battalions 1,100 587 375 110 24 679 2,875
Cavalry divisions 6 3 - 1 - 4 14
Cavalry squadrons 144 81 - 24 - 96 249
Trench mortars 1,650 2,685 746 293 - 4,091 9,465
Heavy artillery pieces 5,658 2,302 406 333 - 3,697 12,396
Automatic rifles/Light Machine guns 51,680 20,540 18,657 1,004 - 4,838 96,719
Machine guns 30,900 4,788 6,255 2,970 - 13,726 58,639
Tanks 1,272 611 91 - - - 1,974
Aircraft 3,634 1,750 2,032 134 - 581 8,131
Front-line strength 1,570,108 1,209,851 1,112,888 133,764 25,573 1,455,667 5,507,851
Ration strength 2,701,773 1,795,361 1,826,514 167,126 35,253 1,962,389 8,488,416
Horses 645,174 406,000 151,450 38,110 - 286,433 1,527,167



(1) French figures exclude 27 segregated US batallions as well as Czech and Polish troops under French Army command.

(2) Belgian figures for 14/9/1918.

(3) Additional figures for cavarly and artillery not readable from scan.

Source: Les Armées Françaises dans la Grande Guerre (Tome VII, Volume 2).

Last modified: 10 December 2022